Monday, July 25, 2011

the importance of taking it easy...

I think it is funny that one of my first posts will NOT be about nutrition or working out. 

Tommy and I just returned from a week in Seaside, FL.  It was wonderful, beautiful, relaxing...we had one little mishap in which Tommy dropped a knife on his foot. Long story short, we were really concerned that he had cut his tendon so we ended up going to two doctors, he had to get 3 stitches, and an antibiotic prescription, but the tendon is ok.  We came up with a really creative contraption to get him down to the beach and in the water, so our week was not a loss (he did it on the first day!). 
Because of the accident, we were alot less active than we anticipated.  I worked out once at a local crossfit gym, 30a Crossfit, and then did nothing else.  We had plans to ride bikes, play tennis, etc, but none of that ended up happening.  And that was ok.  In a way, maybe we NEEDED not to be active. 

Being super focused and intentional with the way you live is WONDERFUL, but can take alot of energy, especially when you are creating the habits  That's why so many diets fail, so many workout resolutions go unfulfilled, those quiet times with God get skipped.  It's hard to be disciplined.  This week, Tommy and I rested, ate whatever we want (ice cream EVERY night!), stared out into the ocean, read, napped, and just enjoyed one another.  It was so refreshing.  Our time with God was refreshing, wasn't PLANNED, it just happened and the conversations about Him came naturally.  And it was GOOD. 

Being disciplined is essential to growing and achieving goals--but taking it easy is VITAL to not going bonkers!!

Be aggressive and passionate and disciplined with how you live.  BUT take time to be refreshed, rest, play, drink, and THEN get right back into your routine.  Don't mindlessly eat whatever, watch whatever, do whatever.  If you are going to take time for yourself, do it WELL.  Eat REALLY REALLY yummy stuff.  Do things that are WORTH it.  Have FUN. 

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