Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Her name.

Just realized I needed to record this somewhere other than my iphone notepad :)

Olivia Rae.

Before we even knew we were having a girl, we had quite a long list of girl names. They were just easier to think of than boy names for us. Also, I was really set on naming a firstborn son after Tommy so I didn't really get into other boy names. (He still isn't sold on it)

Our one commonality for girl names was that they were (somewhat) of the Latin/Hispanic origin. We love the exotic, beautiful sound of these names and wanted a way to carry a little piece of my heritage into her name (since baby would forever be a "Byrd"). Olivia wasn't even on the list at first (and no, I'm not divulging the other names). Tommy suggested it one day though and it quickly climbed the top of our list.

When we found out the baby was officially a girl, Olivia and another name were our top 2. The other name was a little less traditional and uncommon. After mulling it over for a week or so, looking up the meaning, and finding affirming scripture, we just "felt" this baby was Olivia.

Rae is my sister's middle name. She is my only sister and we are very close. I think Rae is a beautiful middle name, loved the way it sounded with Olivia, and love that we can honor my sister with giving her a namesake. Additionally, after researching the meaning and landing on more affirming scripture, it was meant to be.

"Olivia" basically means olive. Biblically, the "olive branch" was a sign to Noah that flood waters were receding. Historically, it became a symbol of peace both in early Christianity and ancient Mediterranean culture. Tommy and I's prayer for our daughter is that she would walk in the peace and promise of God and would carry this peace before and behind her as a light to everyone around her. We pray that this peace will guard her heart and mind as she lives life here on earrth.

"And the PEACE of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 NIV

"Rae" comes from the Hebrew "Rachel" meaning sheep. Sheep/shepherd analogies are all over the Bible. Our prayer for our little one is that she would simply know and follow her Shepherd.

"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." John 10:14 NIV

So, little Olivia Rae, may you be a woman of God who is guarded by the peace of God, knows, and follows Him all the days of your life.

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