Sunday, October 14, 2012

Telling the family!

We told my parents after our first OB appointment when it was clear there was a little baby brewing. They had just completed the Whole 30 at our encouragement (see here for previous post about that) so we were planning on going to dinner together for their first meal "off" the plan. I bought a few jars of baby food and stacked them in a gift bag. On the bottom of the very last jar, I taped a photo of our ultrasound. When we got to their house, we gave them the gift saying, "This is a little something to show you how proud we are of your success with the Whole 30- and a little encouragement to continue to stay strong." Mom opened the bag and started pulling out jars of baby food. They were bewildered. Then she got to the last one and turned it over. Cue gasps and waterworks and that look that says "really? you are?" My dad got a small, sly smile on his face and just said "Celina..." like I was in trouble or something. It was funny. They were very excited and we shared with my grandparents as well.

We already had plans to go to Grand Cayman with Tommy's family in early August. Since we really wanted to tell them in person, we waited until they came to Dallas to fly out for our trip. They got in late at night and we planned to tell them in the morning before we flew out. I think I was around 7 weeks at this point. We had purchased coffee cups that said "Great Dads/Moms get promoted to Grandpa/Grandma". That morning, Tommy made coffee and served up their coffee in these mugs. They were SO tired that they didn't even pay attention to what they were using. It was really funny because both of them were standing side by side at the kitchen counter with their mugs in their hands with the quotes facing out, totally oblivious. Tommy finally asked them if they liked their coffee cups. Both of them slowly turned them around to look at them and you could see their faces as they figured out what they meant. Again, that look of "really? you are?" So we nod and smile our affirmation and again, gasps and waterworks from Mom. Dad gets really big grin and shakes T's hand. Little sis is equally really excited. This being grandchild #1, they are beyond stoked!

I told my sister the weekend before telling Tommy's parents. Again, I really wanted to tell her in person and she happened to be in town that weekend. We were going over to my parents house to visit my nephew and her. The perfect moment arose when my 2 year old nephew, Austin needed to go potty. I quickly volunteered to take him. While we were taking care of business I coached him: "Austin, I need you to go tell Mommy- 'I'm going to have a cousin!" We worked on it and it was slightly intelligable. He was pretty awesome because he immediately beelined it for mom and said "Mommy, I gahihaa COUSIN!" "Um, what, Austin?" "I gahihaa COUSIN!" "You have a cousin?" "I gahihaa COUSIN!" "You're gonna have a cousin? WHAT?" Cue screaming and excitement. :) She has been great and it's cool that we are going to share the bond of motherhood together and that our kiddos will be so close in age.

After that, we started the looooong wait till 12 weeks when we felt we could tell people more openly. There were a few others along the way that we shared it with. It is so neat to see how excited people get! One thing we are super-fortunate about is that a large portion of our lifegroup friends are also in the baby/pregnancy phase as well. By next summer, our lifegroup will have 8 babies under 1 year (2 sets of twins!). It has been fun and encouraging to get to walk the pregnancy journey so closely with others who are going through it right there with me. It is a really sweet time for our group because we have had some infertility issues as well (not for us, but for others).

I think that about wraps up documenting the first trimester. Next posts will be about what is happening NOW!

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